blog ARchive

A Summer Rendezvous with Roja Elixir Pour Femme: A Luxury Rose Perfume Review

A bottle of Roja Elixir perfume sits in a gold frame, surrounded by pink roses and eucalyptus leaves on a marble surface.

Under a hazy golden sky, I sit holding my bottle of Elixir Pour Femme from Roja Parfums. As the liquid swishes from side to side, I realize my time with this precious eau de parfum is dwindling rapidly. The remaining drops shimmer in anticipation of their final release, promising one last dance under the sun’s warm embrace. This will be our third and final summer together. Regrettably, the fill line whispers a truth I cannot avoid: our time together is fleeting. A tinge of sadness accompanies this realization, yet I’m thankful for the moments and memories we’ve shared. My summer love affair with Elixir, a luxury rose perfume that has never failed me, has been a cherished experience.

Not Just a Signature Scent: The Power of Preferred Notes in Perfumery

A collage of colorful flowers (roses, figs, etc.), fruits (figs), and leaves representing the concept of preferred notes in fragrance. Text overlay reads "The Power of Preferred Notes"

Forget the “perfect perfume” hunt! I realize the quest for a signature scent is a classic fragrance goal. But what if, instead of a single defining perfume, you embraced a whole collection built around the notes that speak to your soul? What if your scent collection was a thrilling adventure instead of a single destination? If the traditional concept of a signature scent leaves you feeling a little uninspired, I welcome you to approach collecting in whole new way to discover and enjoy fragrance. Let’s explore the power of preferred notes together!